Drone Safety is for everyone, but the earlier you know the rules - the better

Some authorities have done a much better job with the education of drone and UAS safety. We’ve collected the best advice and resources to use to help kids (and their teachers) stay informed on how to approach using drones. 

Drones are cool. They are replacing the toy airplane in ways kids have only dreamed of. Remote controlled vehicles of all sorts have been under-the-tree staples for decades. 

But as Peter Parker’s uncle once said “With great power comes great responsibility”. And as the drone gets lighter, faster and carries cameras that approach sci-fi levels of detail and distance, those in charge need to make sure we know what we can and cannot do. We being kids and the adults responsible for teaching others.

So educating the next generation of drone users is the biggest priority.

What you'll Learn in this section

Who this is for

Public Safety Agencies, such as Law Enforcement, are in the best position to deter, detect, and investigate unauthorized or unsafe UAS operations. While drones can serve as a useful tool, these agencies also have an important role in protecting the public from unsafe and unauthorized drone operations. This information will help law enforcement and public safety professionals understand safe drone operations and their authority.

Why do we have Drone Safety?

Drones and UAS systems are becoming more and more popular. Once a hobby for enthusiasts who needed special pilot training are now available for kids. 

Most Drones are recommended for use by kids from 12 and over but some are produced for kids from 8 years of age. But lets be honest here folks, so are mobile phones. 


How to Prepare for using and Observing Drones

EASA has a great website with lots of great resources for kids and classrooms. You can go to their website and have a look at the “open” category that deals with the recreational drones kids are most likely to encounter. 

CASA from Australia also has great videos and resources on their website. With everything from safety videos aimed at kids, there’s also quizzes, activities, classrooms guides and even a board game. 

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