January 2023 Aviation News

Who do you turn to for the most important aviation updates?

January means the Dublin AirFinance Conference. And if you’re wondering why you should be reading about either Dublin or Finance, then please… pull up a Jumpseat.

Because if you really want critical aviation news and updates then you need to listen in on what the moneymen are saying. 

And the best place and times are during the annual Airline Economics conferences.

But most notably the Dublin conference. Why? Because 95% of aircraft leasing is done through Ireland and so all of the players and payers descend upon the emerald Isle each January to discuss all things aviation. Airlines, banks, governments, authorities and the BIG TWO (Airbus and Boeing) discuss the big issues of the day.  Well, issue –  Singular.


Aviation News - Industry Leaders

We’d like to share some items, their authors and resource links to everything that you need. Ok, maybe you don’t own an aircraft, or an airline and its possible that you’re not yet a captain of the industry – but maybe you’re on the way. And maybe you should know about the issues that top management of Delta, Emirates, the FAA and Russian Airlines are worried about. 

Lets start with KPMG. Joe O’Mara interviews Gus Kelly from Aercap, now the Worlds largest Aircraft Leasing company and Tim Meyers, President of Boeing Capital. There’s many more at their Aviation News YouTube channel. 

Oh and KPMG, in conjunctions with Air Economics publish a free Market Leader Report called New Horizons. 

Aviation News Reporters

Below are the aviation journalists you need to follow. You might need to subscribe to their publication, but most give a few free articles. You can also follow them on LinkedIn. 

Benjamin Katz - Wall Street Journal

Article – “Airbus to hire 13,000 workers”

Aviation News - What's in the Air

  • ESG – Well, mostly the S… Sustainability dominated the end of 2022 and the start of 2023. In truth it will dominate the rest of the decade. We have our own WingZero but we suggest you also head over to IMPACT, a group set up by the financial community to try to create the best KPI’s possible for airline sustainability from an investor perspective.
  • Arbitration – certainly one for those in the legal department but don’t undervalue this one. Arbitration allows companies to sit down and try to fix things instead of heading straight to court where millions and years are lost. The Hague CAA are doing great work helping aircraft owners get resolutions quickly.
  • Embraer – While we await the next B737 or B757 replacement, news of new aircraft development is usually sparse. Last year Embraer announced it would develop a new Turboprop aircraft to compete with the ATR72. Unfortunately it looks like the OEM supply chain that has affected the big two might also be slowing Embraer down.
  • Drones and the UTM – The Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) sector will boom. Of course it will. But when? EASA has made the necessary rule changes that allow us to forget that pesky line-of-sight rule. All Aviation News eyes are now on the marketplace to see who will emerge as the Airbus or Boeing of the eVTOL sector. 
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