ISTAT - listen to real experts in Aviation
ISTAT (Eye-stat). International Society of Transport Aircraft Traders.
This is the key organization where Aircraft Lessors, Manufacturers, Banks, Money Funds, investors, and traders reside.
This is the key organization where Aircraft Lessors, Manufacturers, Banks, Money Funds, investors, and traders reside. Everyone involved in the Commercial Aviation Industry from a finance or investment standpoint. So, if they provide you with some educational topics around values and trends, we believe you should listen.
Aviation Lessons
Why ISTAT Learning Lab? I’ll tell you why. They have a series of podcasts and online seminar sessions that are excellent and are free. And we love free.
But we also believe that the lab could do with a shout-out, to spread the word as it were – because we feel the information there is valuable to everyone at all levels.
We are not going to waffle on too much here and will just link to five of the topics to give you a feel for what is discussed and who might find it interesting. But these labs are ongoing, and you should check them out when they go live. They are chock full of industry insight and backed up by stats and evidence.
Click on each to go directly to their YouTube Channel.