The World’s Best Air Shows for your Bucket List

Air Shows are great fun and a great spectacle. They are also wonderful places to show off shiny new aircraft for commercial, private, and military customers.

If you work in Aviation, or you market in the aviation community, one of the best places to mingle with all these companies is the biggest conferences and the biggest Air Shows. 

Or you’re interested in careers in Aerospace, and you want to know who the best ones are in 2022 and 2023, now that Covid has passed. This is the list for you.


There are many ways to get your admission ticket too. If you’re savvy. They all have public days as well as business days depending who you are, but all the exhibitors will be open for business on both. There are also many ways to get cheap tickets depending on your career status.

So, here’s your WT Biggest Air Show viewing experience…

Le Bourget France

Paris Air show



Next one is 2023 and this is the Big One for commercial aviation. Airbus for one uses it as a centerpiece to announce huge orders from flag carriers and low-cost startups alike. In terms of incredible performers of civil and military aircraft, it’s awesome.

The Russians, especially, love to show off their latest fighters that defy gravity. We all have bucket lists, The Indy 500, the Masters, watching a Space X launch but if you don’t have a Sukhoi Fighter at a Paris Air Show on that list. Then my friend, I have no idea what you are doing.

Dubai, UAE

Dubai Air Show


Next one also in 2023. DXB has invested heavily in everything to make it a global hub for everything aerospace. Finance Markets, flight hubs, Russian holiday homes… But the Air Show is now a huge event. Commercial aircraft, Private Jets, and more recently Technical and Engineering ventures.

They have a great static display featuring new and developing aerospace sectors such as UAS and electric aircraft platforms. If you are in the market for a new G5000 or have a silicon start-up in the composites or travel fintech sector. Book a place.

London. England




Defense and Space. Then some sustainability and innovation elements. Farnborough and Paris take place each in the opposite year, with each taking place once in two years. So, 2022 was Farnborough, 2023 will be Paris. Because they serve the same markets and those that exhibit or put on shows, don’t have budgets to do two a year.

November 2022 is the next one. Covid really hurt Air Shows for obvious reasons so we will be looking closely at the Zuhai show this year and Paris next year. In the hope that international presence reflects the bounce back.

China is now the biggest domestic air travel market, so this show should be on your list. China is also an aircraft manufacturer, including Airbus final assembly A320’s. They also build 95% of the world’s drone and UAS systems.


Singapore Air Show


This is a show for the Far East and Pacific regions. This show has grown in stature as the aerospace and airline business has grown over the years. Not as big as it once was but still strong.

Memorable Life Experience

So that’s the commercial end of things. But who cares about money really? What we want is the fastest, the oldest, the coolest and the most hair-raising air show experience we can see from the comfort of an outdoor hacienda.

Started in ’74 as an enthusiasts meet. Now it has seating for 200,000 visitors. What is known as Aviation’s “Spring Break”. If Warbirds, Vintage, and aerobatics are your thing, then go to Florida. They are also non-profit and support charities and education initiatives such as apprenticeships. A big thumbs up from us.

Paris Air Show

South of England, so there is a solid 15% chance of sunshine. But who cares when you have Harriers, Typhoons, and the newest Aviation Military platforms they can buy from the Americans. But what we really want to see here is the Royal Air Force Battle of Britain Memorial flight (BBMF at featuring the Spitfire

The single greatest, most beautiful flying machine ever designed and built. It’s mystique and legend only growing with each passing year. To see it in the flesh my friends, it will bring a lump to your throat.

Top Gun! … “You mean Top Gun – Maverick?” Whatever Gen Z’er. If you’ve never been to San Diego, then shame on you. But those of you who have, especially if you’ve taken a walk over at La Jolla, you will be treated to a lot of military hardware heading out over the bay for exercises.

There’s also the museum at the marina that has enough historical aircraft to make the visit worthwhile. But Miramar has the Blue Angels, the Knights, the Red Arrows and as much gun metal grey as the entire family can handle.

Canada’s Largest Air show. Located conveniently in the outskirts of Vancouver near to the US border, it attracts 125,000 spectators to watch all the world’s top air performers do their thing including the Canadian Snowbirds, The Skyhawks, the Thunderbirds and the Blue Angels

I have been to Canada many times, the Kelowna valley being my favorite. But it’s the people I like most. Then their beverage bar.

I have been to Canada many times, the Kelowna valley being my favorite. But it’s the people I like most. Then their beverage bar.

Family Fun

Now the US has a lot of air shows. And we expect we might take some flak for

a) Not mentioning some and

b) putting AirVenture at the end.

So, a quick note one AirVenture, which does look like a blast. There’s lots of things going on, day and night, and there are a lot of things to do besides watching the show. The parking fields look good and if you want to see that grey metal up close then this could well be the most memorable life experience you could have. We will go there someday and if we do, we might just do a whole piece on AirVenture.

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